

Monday, October 13, 2014


Recently in my globalization class we watched the movie “Sicko.” This is a documentary by Michael Moore that analyzes our health care system and compares it to many around the world. He focuses on the cost of health care, the amount and quality of the care, and any other cool fact about the health care system he is analyzing.

Watching this film made me realize how screwed up our health care system in America is. Compared too many other countries around the world such as Canada, France, and Cuba our health care is garbage. For being one of the wealthiest countries in the world we treat our people like trash. Everything is about making money. That is why an inhaler costs $120 in America compared to only 5 cents in Cuba. A bag of saline or an IV costs anywhere from $500-$700 when average manufacture price is only $1. That is a 500%-700% mark up on a bag of sugar water!

The United States is viewed upon as a land of opportunity but is it really? It seems like all we do is work and work till we can’t work anymore, and even then we work some more because we can’t afford health care. The United States has what it take to be the greatest country in the world. The only thing it’s lacking is how it treats its people. If we had a good health care system that made sure people got what they needed and could afford it then maybe we would be  the greatest.

Compared to countries around the world the United States healthcare system is garbage. We are more wealthy than many other countries around the world but yet those poorer countries still manage to treat their people better and provide a free health care that is just as good as ours. I think that people need to open their eyes and see what is going on and step up and tell the government that we need better care.

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