

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Ebola is a very deadly virus that is infecting many parts of the world. Recently in my globalization class we researched the Ebola Virus and learned a lot about the virus.

 I learned that there are five strains of the Ebola virus; only four of the five can infect humans. The other strain of this disease (the one that doesn’t affect humans) has affected and killed many primates.

I also learned that the Ebola virus has been around for a long time.  The recent Ebola virus is a mutated strain that is more easily passed from human to human. The Ebola virus is most commonly passed by the Fruit Bat. The Fruit bat can indirectly or directly infect humans. The can directly infect humans by biting them. They indirectly infect humans by infecting many animals that the humans consume. When these infected animals are consumed the humans that are consuming they can be infected.

I learned that the reason this out break started in West Africa has many factors that affect this. First of all the fruit bat that carries this disease lives in the area. Secondly the people in the area must hunt and consume wild animals to survive.

I learned a lot about the Ebola virus when we studied it in class. Above are just a few things that I learned. There are many other thing that I learned and that I have yet to learn. I think everyone should study this at least a little bit because if everyone knew what causes it maybe it will help prevent it.




I believe that the Ebola Virus outbreak affects the world health care in more ways than one. With this current outbreak of Ebola health care systems around the world will have to work together to stop the spreading of this disease.

Now every health care system around the world may not have the same method of treatment right away but in the end most should have the same. The reason for this is because right away and happening right now these different health care systems are working on different cures and testing them to see if they will work. That is why most will have a different method of treatment. As these different health care systems are testing their method they will have to communicate so all the other health care systems will know what works and what doesn’t. The health care systems will work together and maybe even try putting parts of different methods together to make a new method. They will work together until they find a cure and then work together to make sure everyone can get it.

 Another way that Ebola will affect the global health care is that richer countries will have to work together to help out the poorer countries.  

I believe that Ebola will affect the global health care. This example above is just one of the ways that this deadly outbreak will have an effect but I believe that there are others that we may never know about.  




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