

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Ebola is a very deadly virus that is infecting many parts of the world. Recently in my globalization class we researched the Ebola Virus and learned a lot about the virus.

 I learned that there are five strains of the Ebola virus; only four of the five can infect humans. The other strain of this disease (the one that doesn’t affect humans) has affected and killed many primates.

I also learned that the Ebola virus has been around for a long time.  The recent Ebola virus is a mutated strain that is more easily passed from human to human. The Ebola virus is most commonly passed by the Fruit Bat. The Fruit bat can indirectly or directly infect humans. The can directly infect humans by biting them. They indirectly infect humans by infecting many animals that the humans consume. When these infected animals are consumed the humans that are consuming they can be infected.

I learned that the reason this out break started in West Africa has many factors that affect this. First of all the fruit bat that carries this disease lives in the area. Secondly the people in the area must hunt and consume wild animals to survive.

I learned a lot about the Ebola virus when we studied it in class. Above are just a few things that I learned. There are many other thing that I learned and that I have yet to learn. I think everyone should study this at least a little bit because if everyone knew what causes it maybe it will help prevent it.




I believe that the Ebola Virus outbreak affects the world health care in more ways than one. With this current outbreak of Ebola health care systems around the world will have to work together to stop the spreading of this disease.

Now every health care system around the world may not have the same method of treatment right away but in the end most should have the same. The reason for this is because right away and happening right now these different health care systems are working on different cures and testing them to see if they will work. That is why most will have a different method of treatment. As these different health care systems are testing their method they will have to communicate so all the other health care systems will know what works and what doesn’t. The health care systems will work together and maybe even try putting parts of different methods together to make a new method. They will work together until they find a cure and then work together to make sure everyone can get it.

 Another way that Ebola will affect the global health care is that richer countries will have to work together to help out the poorer countries.  

I believe that Ebola will affect the global health care. This example above is just one of the ways that this deadly outbreak will have an effect but I believe that there are others that we may never know about.  




Tuesday, October 14, 2014

  1. How much money is spent on campaigning or just to support politics
  2. It makes we wonder that if just the health care system donates billions of dollars how much other money are they receiving from bigger companies such as oil companies
  3. It seems to me that most of these companies support the republicans over the democrats. I think this may be because these companies are against the democratic health care bills.
  4. I think that just pharmaceuticals and heath products alone contribute close to 2.2 million dollars
  5. That total contributions to politics from health care companies is nearly 260 million.
  6. Honestly I think that these numbers are way to0 high and this is just one website.  For all we know the real amount could be way higher.
  7. This is really cool to me I never realized how many different businesses contributed to this. There is a lot of them I wouldn’t expect.
  8. The Agribusiness contributes nearly 50 million.
  9. It’s crazy that these companies are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on one campaign.
  10. It’s cool to see how much money some of south Dakota’s representatives have received. Like John Thune has received thousands of dollars from several companies

Monday, October 13, 2014


Recently in my globalization class we watched the movie “Sicko.” This is a documentary by Michael Moore that analyzes our health care system and compares it to many around the world. He focuses on the cost of health care, the amount and quality of the care, and any other cool fact about the health care system he is analyzing.

Watching this film made me realize how screwed up our health care system in America is. Compared too many other countries around the world such as Canada, France, and Cuba our health care is garbage. For being one of the wealthiest countries in the world we treat our people like trash. Everything is about making money. That is why an inhaler costs $120 in America compared to only 5 cents in Cuba. A bag of saline or an IV costs anywhere from $500-$700 when average manufacture price is only $1. That is a 500%-700% mark up on a bag of sugar water!

The United States is viewed upon as a land of opportunity but is it really? It seems like all we do is work and work till we can’t work anymore, and even then we work some more because we can’t afford health care. The United States has what it take to be the greatest country in the world. The only thing it’s lacking is how it treats its people. If we had a good health care system that made sure people got what they needed and could afford it then maybe we would be  the greatest.

Compared to countries around the world the United States healthcare system is garbage. We are more wealthy than many other countries around the world but yet those poorer countries still manage to treat their people better and provide a free health care that is just as good as ours. I think that people need to open their eyes and see what is going on and step up and tell the government that we need better care.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Globalization and Women

Globalization affects many things in many different ways. Globalization has affected women in both positive and negative ways. Because of this many look at the effect of globalization and wonder whether or not globalization has been good or bad for women in the world.   

Globalization in my own worlds is the spread of culture around the world. Because of this, globalization has had positive and negative effects on different parts of the world due to different cultures spreading to different places.

Globalization has had many positive effects on women especially in the work force. In countries like India women get the crappy low end jobs that pay very little, while men get the high end high paying jobs. Along with this women get harassed both verbally and sexually in the work force. The reason globalization has had a positive effect on this is because it has allowed the spreading of a culture that looks at women equal to men. Because of this many women in countries around the world have found themselves working their way up the in the social class.

Globalization unfortunately has also had negative effects on the women around the world. Just because culture is spreading doesn’t mean it’s always the right one. In certain areas the culture that has looked at women as being less than men has stuck. In these areas many women are realizing that they need to stand up and fight because they are losing more rights and moving down instead of up.

Globalization had affected women in both negative and positive ways. Many people might say that because of certain areas being negatively affected that overall globalization has had a negative effect on women. Others however might say that the positive effects out weight the negative and there fore overall globalization has had a positive effect on women.

Globalization affects many things in many different ways. Globalization has affected women in both positive and negative ways. Because of this many look at the effect of globalization and wonder whether or not globalization has been good or bad for women in the world.   

Globalization in my own worlds is the spread of culture around the world. Because of this, globalization has had positive and negative effects on different parts of the world due to different cultures spreading to different places.

Globalization has had many positive effects on women especially in the work force. In countries like India women get the crappy low end jobs that pay very little, while men get the high end high paying jobs. Along with this women get harassed both verbally and sexually in the work force. The reason globalization has had a positive effect on this is because it has allowed the spreading of a culture that looks at women equal to men. Because of this many women in countries around the world have found themselves working their way up the in the social class.

Globalization unfortunately has also had negative effects on the women around the world. Just because culture is spreading doesn’t mean it’s always the right one. In certain areas the culture that has looked at women as being less than men has stuck. In these areas many women are realizing that they need to stand up and fight because they are losing more rights and moving down instead of up.

Globalization had affected women in both negative and positive ways. Many people might say that because of certain areas being negatively affected that overall globalization has had a negative effect on women. Others however might say that the positive effects out weight the negative and there fore overall globalization has had a positive effect on women.

Human Trafficking

We recently watched a movie called human trafficking in my globalization class. It was produced to promote awareness about human trafficking around the world. I think that this was a good idea to raise awareness because it is more entertaining than a documentary on television and more people will watch it.

Human trafficking is wrong and is sad. For people to be able to steal someone from a family and hold them against their will and use them for making money is horrible. These people must not have any kind of conscience because I wouldn’t be able to do it.

The movie made me realize that when people are trafficked it isn’t always just one person here or there, it can be large scale operations. Like in the movie the head honcho set up a modeling competition and trafficked a whole group of girls at once.  This movie also made me realize that for an operation like this to occur there has to be a demand for it. This made me realize that the world is going to hell in a hand basket. When people can make billions of dollars a year off of selling girls for sex there is something wrong with the whole world.

Human trafficking is wrong. I think people need to step up and fight back because that is what it is going to take to end a large operation like this. Also people who know about this need to step up and educate others about it so that they can do the same and then everyone will know.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Migration and Globalization

Many people say that migration is linked to globalization.  We have been pondering this subject in my globalization class and I believe that migration is linked to globalization. I guess in a sense that migration could be both the cause and effect of globalization. Migration can also affect things like other countries government and social classes.

There are different types of migration; the main two are forced migration and just willingly migrating.  When someone willingly migrates they are usually doing it to better themselves or to make things easier. One of the biggest reasons in my area for migrating is the weather. The winter months are very hard on some of the older people in our area due to large amounts of snow fall, icy roads, and cold temperatures. Even though most of these people don’t migrate very far for very long they are still taking their beliefs and culture with them. Another reason someone might migrate is for more opportunity such as a better job. A person or a group of people could work for a large company and be offered a promotion and have to move somewhere else taking their beliefs and culture with them.

The other type of migration is forced migration. This is migration that is involuntary and is usually a result of war. Like in the movie we watched (God Grew Tired of Us) the Lost Boys were forced to leave Sudan and migrate to another place if not they were going to be killed.

Both forced migration and willingly migrating. They are causes because when these people migrate and take their beliefs and culture with them they are spreading it around the world. You know this is happening, because in the movie one of the lost boys said that it was very important that they still kept their culture and that they didn’t lose it because that is who they are.

Migration isn’t just a cause of globalization it is also an effect. This can happen if large amounts of people migrate to a certain area it could cause conflict when the different cultures mix. Just like in the movie the war in Sudan was between the Muslim north and the Christian south. This could happen anywhere, is a group moves to another area they could have conflict with people and that could cause more migration and then it could just keep happening.

Migration also affects governments or social classes. When the lost boys moved to the United States they worked the low paying and low end jobs and they were the lowest social class. It affects the governments because these lost boys pressured the government to help them with the war in Sudan. The government also helped these boys find their family and reunited them.

Without migration, globalization would not be as big as it is today. Because of migration, many cultures have become very widespread. So when people ask me if globalization is linked to migration I will always answer yes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pros of Globalization

So there is this large conflict that is going on in my international relations class in school. The conflict is whether or not globalization is good or bad for the world. The truth is that globalization has both positive and negative effects on the world and because of this it causes many conflicts. I personally ride the fence when it comes to this topic but for the purpose of this blog I have decided to point out and focus on the positive effects of globalization.

The actual definition of globalization according to is the act of globalizing, or extending to other parts of the world. This is true, that why globalization is good, for instants disease. Now I know many could say that the reason for so many diseases spreading could be linked to globalization because so many more people travel because of it. That may be true but the positive part about it is that just as easy as a disease can spread, a cure for the disease can be shipped around the world. Globalization also has an effect on the cure itself. The cure may need recourses that aren’t found in the same country. Country 1 would ship their resource to country 2 so that a cure can be created and shipped around the world.

Technology is both a cause and an effect of globalization. Technology is a cause of globalization in the aspect that because of the increase in technology it is a lot easier for globalization to occur. This is because technology has made it easier for people and other goods to travel or be shipped around the world to areas that lack certain resources that are needed. Technology is an effect of globalization in the aspect that because of globalization other parts of the world have the same technology instead of just one country or area being way more technologically advanced.

Another positive effect of globalization is not only that those products can be shipped to other parts of the world but also how products are made.  Because of globalization a country can supply resources needed to create parts while that country ships those parts to a different country to be assembled to then be shipped around the world to be sold. This is a good thing because by shipping the parts to a different country to be assembled it allows a country with a lot of people to supply enough jobs to that country so that is can run smoothly.

Globalization has many positive effects on the world and everyone’s life. The three pluses to globalization that are mentioned are not even close to all the other positive things that globalization does to the world they are just good examples on how it is viewed as a good thing.