

Friday, April 10, 2015

Game Theroy and Prisoners Dilemma

Nash Equilibrium- in any situation when there are different options at hand, the equilibrium is that moment when you must decide which option you must choose to make the best out of the situation  

Game theory- The decisions that you must solve through any game taking into account the opponents strategy while at the same time trying to come up with your own strategy

Prisoner Dilemma- Being stuck in a conflict in which two separate people are stuck in the same dilemma in which they must decide which option to choose that affect both people

Game Summary

I think the game is a lot like it would be in real life. The computer will always cooperate as long as you do but as soon as you compete the computer will too. The computer will compete until you have gained its trust back by choosing to cooperate.

Blog Questions

In History -  When Obama traded top ISIS leaders for Sergeant Bergdahl. He had to decide which would be best for the country

In Government- The Putin situation, we have to strategize against them while they are doing the same. For dilemma I want to use the Putin situation again because the United States had to decide whether or not to get involved with the Ukraine and weigh the outcomes

In Economics- Dilemma- people dealing with other counties have to decide investing so much per month just like the game we played

Sociology- having to make decisions that can affect others around you such as driving drunk and weighing the possibility that what might happen if you crash

Psychology- decisions that affect your own emotions such as breaking up with your girlfriend

Everyday Life- weighing the outcome of making a smart alec remark to my teachers or not

Between what we learned about the oil pricing and the games we played I have decided that everything is way too complicated and I would never like to have a job dealing with it.

I rate a 10 because I thought they were fun and they helped a lot to get me to understand the situation.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Ink Blotch Test

I think that the Rorschach blotch test is a very cool test. I think that it is a good way to identify and to recognize people and their different personalities. In many of the tests or plates they have responses for people with schizophrenia or paranoia and I think that in many of the plates someone who has schizophrenia would be able to find or recognize something that could make them afraid.

I think this test is neat and well thought out but I am not sure how dependable this test is. Many of the kids in the class including myself saw many of the things that would classify us as schizophrenic or paranoid. I know for sure that I am not schizophrenic or paranoid and also I can tell you that many of the kids that also saw the images that would make them schizophrenic are not at all crazy. So saying that, I don’t think that The Rorschach Ink Blotch test is reliable at all. I think that maybe it could give hints to psychologists to know what maybe to look for but I don’t think that you can for sure use this to classify someone as crazy or mentally ill.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


A recent study by Doctor Eric Courchesne, has resulted in a test to help identify Autism (ASD) in infant boys as young as one years old. Eric Courchesne is a  professor of neurosciences and director of the Autism Center of Excellence at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. Before this test came about, doctors and family had to wait about 53 months or about 4 and a half years before they could positively identify if a child was autistic.

In the study, Courchesne used only males. The reasoning behind this is simple. Boys are 4 times more likely to get autism than females. Also, because it is more likely in males, test subjects will be easier to find.

Courchesne said that in order to correctly identify a disease like this you need the infected tissue. In this case it was the brain tissue and that was out of the picture. They moved on the next thing and found that blood could be used as a replacement. They did two tests using this method. The first test involved 147 toddlers (91 with ASD and 56 without). The group was able to identify 83% of children with ASD! The second test was still a success but not as big. Out of a group of 73 toddlers ( 44 with ASD and 29 without) the group identified 75% of children with ASD.

This study was a success in my opinion. The doctors will now be able to inform you whether your child is autistic or not by as early as 1 years old. This test is not guaranteed to identify 100% of ASD children but will still be able to identify the majority.



Score- 61

 You appear to have at least some basic skill when it comes to identifying, perceiving and expressing emotions in yourself and others. However, there is still a great deal of room to improve on this core ability. Review the results below for further information in order to identify where improvement is recommended. By improving your skills in this area of emotional intelligence, you will be in a better position to read others, understand how they feel, and effectively identify your own emotions. These skills form the basis of your ability to relate to others as well as your ability to understand yourself.

Mansa Workout

60%- 18/30

IQ test




Tuesday, February 24, 2015


If I were to lose one of my senses I think I would pick hearing. I feel like if I were to lose one coping with a hearing loss would be the easiest. If you lose hearing you can still learn to communicate without being able to hear. Also I feel like hearing is the least effective for learning memory. I can honestly say that most of my memories are associated with smell and sight. When I meet a person I see what they look like and they will tell me their name. if I meet this person again later I will most likely recognize them but will most likely forget their name. Smell if another that would be hard to lose because I can recognize what food before even seeing it.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Memory is a very interesting and a very complex thing. I think the most important stage of memory is short-term Memory. You are constantly using short term memory whether you realize it or not. Everything that is going on around is temporally stored with in your short term memory. This happens and you may never even realize it because it may have already left your short term memory. Things leave your short term memory very quickly that is why you must have a good short term memory in order to have time to transfer the memories into your long term memory. One way to better your short term memory is to use a method called chunking. When using this method you take words that are related or sound the same and chunk them together. This method is very useful and can greatly increase your short term memory.  

Monday, January 26, 2015

Classical Conditioning

Unconditioned Stimulus- Hot Women
Conditioned Stimulus- Axe Products
Unconditioned Response- Excitement or happiness about hot women
Conditioned Response- Excitement or Happiness toward Axe Products  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I have taught people how to cook at the bar. When cooking in a restaurant you have to have patients, many things, especially steaks and chicken take a while to cook. When you get busy you have to stay calm and just do everything as fast and as smoothly as possibly while still making sure everything is cooked correctly. A lot about learning to cook though comes a lot with experience.  The more you cook something the easier it will be to cook it the next time. When it comes to steak, you have to know how to cook it the way people like it and how to tell when it is done how it is ordered. There are many ways to test a steak but I use the feeling technique. Basically, the stiffer it is the more done it is. This is also a technique that comes with experience because it takes time to learn the feel of a medium rare, medium, and a well done steak.