

Monday, March 16, 2015

Ink Blotch Test

I think that the Rorschach blotch test is a very cool test. I think that it is a good way to identify and to recognize people and their different personalities. In many of the tests or plates they have responses for people with schizophrenia or paranoia and I think that in many of the plates someone who has schizophrenia would be able to find or recognize something that could make them afraid.

I think this test is neat and well thought out but I am not sure how dependable this test is. Many of the kids in the class including myself saw many of the things that would classify us as schizophrenic or paranoid. I know for sure that I am not schizophrenic or paranoid and also I can tell you that many of the kids that also saw the images that would make them schizophrenic are not at all crazy. So saying that, I don’t think that The Rorschach Ink Blotch test is reliable at all. I think that maybe it could give hints to psychologists to know what maybe to look for but I don’t think that you can for sure use this to classify someone as crazy or mentally ill.

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