

Thursday, March 12, 2015


A recent study by Doctor Eric Courchesne, has resulted in a test to help identify Autism (ASD) in infant boys as young as one years old. Eric Courchesne is a  professor of neurosciences and director of the Autism Center of Excellence at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. Before this test came about, doctors and family had to wait about 53 months or about 4 and a half years before they could positively identify if a child was autistic.

In the study, Courchesne used only males. The reasoning behind this is simple. Boys are 4 times more likely to get autism than females. Also, because it is more likely in males, test subjects will be easier to find.

Courchesne said that in order to correctly identify a disease like this you need the infected tissue. In this case it was the brain tissue and that was out of the picture. They moved on the next thing and found that blood could be used as a replacement. They did two tests using this method. The first test involved 147 toddlers (91 with ASD and 56 without). The group was able to identify 83% of children with ASD! The second test was still a success but not as big. Out of a group of 73 toddlers ( 44 with ASD and 29 without) the group identified 75% of children with ASD.

This study was a success in my opinion. The doctors will now be able to inform you whether your child is autistic or not by as early as 1 years old. This test is not guaranteed to identify 100% of ASD children but will still be able to identify the majority.



Score- 61

 You appear to have at least some basic skill when it comes to identifying, perceiving and expressing emotions in yourself and others. However, there is still a great deal of room to improve on this core ability. Review the results below for further information in order to identify where improvement is recommended. By improving your skills in this area of emotional intelligence, you will be in a better position to read others, understand how they feel, and effectively identify your own emotions. These skills form the basis of your ability to relate to others as well as your ability to understand yourself.

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60%- 18/30

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