

Monday, January 26, 2015

Classical Conditioning

Unconditioned Stimulus- Hot Women
Conditioned Stimulus- Axe Products
Unconditioned Response- Excitement or happiness about hot women
Conditioned Response- Excitement or Happiness toward Axe Products  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I have taught people how to cook at the bar. When cooking in a restaurant you have to have patients, many things, especially steaks and chicken take a while to cook. When you get busy you have to stay calm and just do everything as fast and as smoothly as possibly while still making sure everything is cooked correctly. A lot about learning to cook though comes a lot with experience.  The more you cook something the easier it will be to cook it the next time. When it comes to steak, you have to know how to cook it the way people like it and how to tell when it is done how it is ordered. There are many ways to test a steak but I use the feeling technique. Basically, the stiffer it is the more done it is. This is also a technique that comes with experience because it takes time to learn the feel of a medium rare, medium, and a well done steak.  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Psychology intro thing-a-ma-jig

What is your favorite word?
 What is your least favorite word?
What one thing do you like about your life?
 Have great family and friends
 What one thing do you not like about your life?
Having to work so much
 What profession would you like to attempt?
Black smith
 What profession would you never attempt?
Teacher or anything with kids
 What 3 words describe you?
Funny, outgoing, different
I hope to gain from this class to ability to understand the way people think and the reasons behind the things that people do. I hope to gain the knowledge of how to deal with the different kinds of people that I will come across in life and be able to understand the way the think and the reason that they think that way.  I hope to gain from you as a teacher the thought and enjoyment of you trying to use reverse psychology on different students in class to make them look stupid. I also think it will be fun to watch you use the power of psychology to completely change someone’s opinion on a matter by changing the way that they think. I am looking forward to this class because I have always wanted to learn about this.