

Friday, April 10, 2015

Game Theroy and Prisoners Dilemma

Nash Equilibrium- in any situation when there are different options at hand, the equilibrium is that moment when you must decide which option you must choose to make the best out of the situation  

Game theory- The decisions that you must solve through any game taking into account the opponents strategy while at the same time trying to come up with your own strategy

Prisoner Dilemma- Being stuck in a conflict in which two separate people are stuck in the same dilemma in which they must decide which option to choose that affect both people

Game Summary

I think the game is a lot like it would be in real life. The computer will always cooperate as long as you do but as soon as you compete the computer will too. The computer will compete until you have gained its trust back by choosing to cooperate.

Blog Questions

In History -  When Obama traded top ISIS leaders for Sergeant Bergdahl. He had to decide which would be best for the country

In Government- The Putin situation, we have to strategize against them while they are doing the same. For dilemma I want to use the Putin situation again because the United States had to decide whether or not to get involved with the Ukraine and weigh the outcomes

In Economics- Dilemma- people dealing with other counties have to decide investing so much per month just like the game we played

Sociology- having to make decisions that can affect others around you such as driving drunk and weighing the possibility that what might happen if you crash

Psychology- decisions that affect your own emotions such as breaking up with your girlfriend

Everyday Life- weighing the outcome of making a smart alec remark to my teachers or not

Between what we learned about the oil pricing and the games we played I have decided that everything is way too complicated and I would never like to have a job dealing with it.

I rate a 10 because I thought they were fun and they helped a lot to get me to understand the situation.