

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Migration and Globalization

Many people say that migration is linked to globalization.  We have been pondering this subject in my globalization class and I believe that migration is linked to globalization. I guess in a sense that migration could be both the cause and effect of globalization. Migration can also affect things like other countries government and social classes.

There are different types of migration; the main two are forced migration and just willingly migrating.  When someone willingly migrates they are usually doing it to better themselves or to make things easier. One of the biggest reasons in my area for migrating is the weather. The winter months are very hard on some of the older people in our area due to large amounts of snow fall, icy roads, and cold temperatures. Even though most of these people don’t migrate very far for very long they are still taking their beliefs and culture with them. Another reason someone might migrate is for more opportunity such as a better job. A person or a group of people could work for a large company and be offered a promotion and have to move somewhere else taking their beliefs and culture with them.

The other type of migration is forced migration. This is migration that is involuntary and is usually a result of war. Like in the movie we watched (God Grew Tired of Us) the Lost Boys were forced to leave Sudan and migrate to another place if not they were going to be killed.

Both forced migration and willingly migrating. They are causes because when these people migrate and take their beliefs and culture with them they are spreading it around the world. You know this is happening, because in the movie one of the lost boys said that it was very important that they still kept their culture and that they didn’t lose it because that is who they are.

Migration isn’t just a cause of globalization it is also an effect. This can happen if large amounts of people migrate to a certain area it could cause conflict when the different cultures mix. Just like in the movie the war in Sudan was between the Muslim north and the Christian south. This could happen anywhere, is a group moves to another area they could have conflict with people and that could cause more migration and then it could just keep happening.

Migration also affects governments or social classes. When the lost boys moved to the United States they worked the low paying and low end jobs and they were the lowest social class. It affects the governments because these lost boys pressured the government to help them with the war in Sudan. The government also helped these boys find their family and reunited them.

Without migration, globalization would not be as big as it is today. Because of migration, many cultures have become very widespread. So when people ask me if globalization is linked to migration I will always answer yes.