

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pros of Globalization

So there is this large conflict that is going on in my international relations class in school. The conflict is whether or not globalization is good or bad for the world. The truth is that globalization has both positive and negative effects on the world and because of this it causes many conflicts. I personally ride the fence when it comes to this topic but for the purpose of this blog I have decided to point out and focus on the positive effects of globalization.

The actual definition of globalization according to is the act of globalizing, or extending to other parts of the world. This is true, that why globalization is good, for instants disease. Now I know many could say that the reason for so many diseases spreading could be linked to globalization because so many more people travel because of it. That may be true but the positive part about it is that just as easy as a disease can spread, a cure for the disease can be shipped around the world. Globalization also has an effect on the cure itself. The cure may need recourses that aren’t found in the same country. Country 1 would ship their resource to country 2 so that a cure can be created and shipped around the world.

Technology is both a cause and an effect of globalization. Technology is a cause of globalization in the aspect that because of the increase in technology it is a lot easier for globalization to occur. This is because technology has made it easier for people and other goods to travel or be shipped around the world to areas that lack certain resources that are needed. Technology is an effect of globalization in the aspect that because of globalization other parts of the world have the same technology instead of just one country or area being way more technologically advanced.

Another positive effect of globalization is not only that those products can be shipped to other parts of the world but also how products are made.  Because of globalization a country can supply resources needed to create parts while that country ships those parts to a different country to be assembled to then be shipped around the world to be sold. This is a good thing because by shipping the parts to a different country to be assembled it allows a country with a lot of people to supply enough jobs to that country so that is can run smoothly.

Globalization has many positive effects on the world and everyone’s life. The three pluses to globalization that are mentioned are not even close to all the other positive things that globalization does to the world they are just good examples on how it is viewed as a good thing.